Y6 BBC Litter Pick
On Tuesday 15th June 2021 some Year 6 pupils visited Weymouth Beach to do a litter pick and be filmed by the BBC. During this event, they...

Year 2 Summer Term Activities
Photographs from the Impact Day for our 'Oh I Do Like to be Beside The Seaside' topic and our Forest School Lessons .

Reception Activities
(Click to view more)

Y1 Sycamore Lessons and Activities
(Click photo to see more)

Return to Forest School March 2001
We had a great time at Forest School today. We made nature crowns using flowers, leaves, grass and twigs to decorate them. We cooked and...

Y2 Visit Marwell Zoo
Year 2 enjoyed their trip to Marwell Zoo. Firstly, the double decker coach created much excitement as the children all wanted to sit up...

Marvellous Mountains - Topic Finale
On 13th February 2020, Year 4 visited Rockburn Ltd in Bridport. We had a go at indoor bouldering with two instructors. They showed us how...