The Elephant Stampede
Here are the class pictures of the elephants for the Conifers Stampede. The Stampede was a whole school event to celebrate our...

Y2 London's Burning Topic Impact Day
The children enjoyed our Impact day to introduce our new topic for this half term; London's Burning. As a class, we came up with some...

Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire...

Y2 Beach Experience !
What an exciting day we all had! We did not let the rain stop us from having a great day 'at the seaside'. Even though the children could...

Y2: Art Outside The Classroom
Year 2 had a fantastic time learning outside the classroom this afternoon. We learnt about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy who made...

Remember, Remember!
Maple Class in Year 2 enjoyed their IMPACT day for the topic 'Remember Remember'. We came up with our big questions then we went into the...

Y2 Climbing at WOEC
In November, Maple Class enjoyed a trip to Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre. They traversed across the walls, climbed up the climbing...

London's Burning Impact Day
The children enjoyed the Impact Day for our History topic London's Burning. We passed buckets of water down the line like they would have...

Y2 Maple Class Learning Outside The Classroom
Maple Class in Year 2 enjoyed some Learning Outside the Classroom for their Maths lesson recently. They worked in pairs to estimate...

Children in Need - Cedar Class
In Cedar class we enjoyed taking part in a special Children in Need Supermover with Pudsey Bear. We also learned about children less...