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A nurturing environment, inspiring achievement
Dear Parent Carers,
I am pleased to share with you our final Ofsted Report – following our two-day inspection in early November.
We welcomed three Inspectors, one of whom was an HMI (Her Majesty’s Inspector) who spent their time talking to staff, the children and yourselves. They also looked at children’s work and discussed, amongst other things, issues such as bullying, harassment and well-being.
The main area of focus was obviously around Ofsted’s four Key Judgements; Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Leadership and Management. They also evaluated the school’s effectiveness towards Safeguarding.
As a Governing Body, we are extremely proud to announce that Conifers Primary School has been graded as GOOD in all areas!
We have long recognised how committed and hard working the staff are; and this report acknowledges that fact. Children spoke enthusiastically about being part of a school where they felt safe, where their voices were heard and their problems listened to. They are proud to be pupils in a school that shows respect for one another and tolerates all differences.
As the very start of the Report states, Conifers is a school that sits at the heart of its community and your support has always been obvious and valued and we hope you share the same levels of pride in the school as we, the Governors, the staff and the children do.
Yours faithfully,
Dorothy Woods
Chair of Governors