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Taking our lessons outside to learn from the world around us.
Y6 Learning Outside the Classroom
Y1 LOTC: Space Invaders
Y2: Art Outside The Classroom
Y3 Willow LOTC - Using Litres and Millilitres
Y3 Beech - Learning Outside the Classroom
Reception LOTC: Minibeasts
Y4 Ash: Science investigation about animals in our local area
Y4 Visit to Dorchester Museum - Pine Class
Y4 Enjoying Forest School
Y4 Hooke Court Residential Trip
Y2 Climbing at WOEC
Y2 Maple Class Learning Outside The Classroom
Y5 Visit to Tout Quarry with WOEC
Year 5 Beach Clean
Hawthorn Class Visit Portland with WOEC
'On The Farm - Year 1 Visit to Farmer Palmers