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A nurturing environment, inspiring achievement
Conifers Thrive Base

The THRIVE base is a small nurture base intervention for the children in our school who need additional help with their social and emotional needs. The THRIVE base is a short term intervention. The children in the base have a balance of curriculum work and THRIVE intervention using the ‘THRIVE Approach’. This includes using the THRIVE online assessment and development tool to create individual action plans.
The aim of the THRIVE base is to provide a therapeutic teaching and intervention programme to support children with their social and emotional difficulties. The base is managed and led by a trained THRIVE Licensed Practitioner and additional support staff.
Here at the Thrive Base, we start the day with a warm welcome and breakfast, pupils are encouraged to help make breakfast, share any news they have and complete an emotion check-in which helps staff meet pupils at their point of need that day.
Pupils in the Thrive Base are offered a full curriculum that includes; Maths, English, Phonics and Science which are reflective of their class learning and a specially designed topic curriculum that includes: History, Geography, DT, Art, Drama, Dance and Cookery.
There is a strong emphasis on creativity in the base and pupils experience a wide range of creative and play-based activities to support their emotional development.
Pupils also take part in a number of social activities to promote sharing, turn-taking and developing friendships.
Pupils are taught strategies to help them manage their emotions and situations they find tricky. Pupils receive regular sensory breaks tailored to their individual needs. They are also supported daily through our ‘Brilliant Behaviours’ and ‘Success Star’ programmes which help celebrate their achievements.
The Thrive Base offers pupils a structured environment that enables them to feel safe and flourish at school. We ensure that the needs identified on pupils’ Thrive assessments are treated as a priority for the support they need.
Thrive Base staff work closely with class teachers to ensure that pupils receive consistent support throughout their time at school and contribute to the assessment of learning in line with the whole school policy and contribute to parent's evening and school reports.
The Thrive Base works closely with parents and liaise daily when pupils attend the base. Staff may also offer support with behaviour management strategies for parents to use at home.
The Thrive Base staff liaise closely with the SENDco and Thrive Manager.
Staff in the base believe that all children have the right to an education and to have their needs met and we pride ourselves on helping children develop their emotional resilience and supporting their academic journey through Conifers Primary School.