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Timing of the School Day



Children have a statutory right to start school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. The vast majority of children start school full time in September as it is beneficial for all pupils to undergo the planned induction process and establish friendships within the group.


All children are admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday and will be given a staggered start on a part time basis for the first few weeks in September when the children will then become full time.


The school is organised on a class basis, with the children spending the majority, if not all, of the school day with their class teacher in the early years. A timetable is necessary for the use of the hall, library and ICT Suite. Children will be taught individually, in groups and as a whole class depending upon the activity and the needs of each child. Great emphasis is placed on the needs of the individual child who will develop and progress at his or her own pace, supported by members of staff in the most appropriate way.


Times of School Sessions


Times of School Sessions


Morning Session:          8.50am to 12:00 pm for Reception

                                        8.50am to 12:15 pm for Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4

                                        8.50am to 12:30 pm for Y5 and Y6


Afternoon Session:      1.00 pm to 3.20 pm for Reception

                                       1.15 pm to 3.20 pm for Y1 and Y2

                                       1.15 pm to 3.25 pm for Y3 and Y4

                                       1.30 pm to 3.25 pm for Y5 and Y6


In a typical week, school is open for 32.5 hours for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and is open 25 minutes longer each week for Years 3-6.



Children in Years R, 1 and 2 must always be collected from school by an adult. If parents are unavoidably delayed when coming to collect their children they are required to inform the school as soon as possible. Please stress to your child that they must always wait with their class teacher until their grown-up arrives to collect them. If the arrangements for collection of your child are altered, please inform your child's class teacher. Older children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 do not need to be accompanied by an adult.


Any telephone calls regarding changes to collection or messages for teachers must be made before 1:30pm otherwise the school cannot guarantee that they reach their destination.

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