The Elephant Stampede
Here are the class pictures of the elephants for the Conifers Stampede. The Stampede was a whole school event to celebrate our...

Meet Our New Y6 Sports Leaders
Recently our latest batch of new year 6 Sports Leaders (Elliot B, Erin B, Maggie B, Levi H, Robyn S, Lucy K, Rory M-M & Sophia B -...

Y6 Technology - Bridge Building
Year 6 have been learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They designed and made their own bridges in DT.

Y6 Dorset Coding Day October 2024
Year 6 participated in the annual Dorset Coding Day in association with Barclays Digital Eagles. This year, we had a visitor from Dorset...

Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire...

SATS Breakfast Club
Well the SATS are upon us but Year 6 are showing fantastic perseverance and determination, we are so proud! The children are also...

"Only One You" - Whole School Creative Art Project
These banners and painted stones were created as part of a whole school creative art project linked to the book 'Only One You' by Linda...