Y5 Visit to Tout Quarry with WOEC
Year 5 enjoyed their trip to Tout Quarry with WOEC. The children put on their hard hats and had great fun rock hopping and stone...
AFC Bournemouth Visit
On Tuesday 29th November 2022 we had the privilege of AFC Bournemouth joining us in school to take part in a whole school assembly about...
Year 5 Go To The Movies - Local Industry Study
As part of our Local Industries Topic, Year 5 were fortunate to be given the opportunity to watch a private screening at Cineworld...
Year 5 in the Swim
Year 5 have been thoroughly enjoying learning how to swim over the summer term. The children have learnt how to front crawl, back stroke...
Year 5 Plastic Pollution Topic
To start our new topic of Plastic Pollution, the children took part in a litter pick around the school. They then had to place their...
"Only One You" - Whole School Creative Art Project
These banners and painted stones were created as part of a whole school creative art project linked to the book 'Only One You' by Linda...
Y5 Volcano Topic Begins with Explosive Impact Days
Year 5 had an explosive two day Impact day. The children had a blast building volcanoes from junk modelling and using papier mache. The...
Year 5 Maths England Week
Year 5 had a fantastic, creative maths lesson to celebrate Maths England Week outside the classroom. The children were looking at place...
Year 5 Vikings and Anglo Sacxons
Year 5 had a fantastic last day of term by celebrating their Viking and Anglo-Saxon topic. The children took part in several, creative...