Year 4 Enjoying Time in our Forest School
Year 4 have been enjoying their time in Forest School exploring flora and fauna and developing teamwork skills. The first group of...

Year 4 Visit to Hooke Court
Year 4 had an amazing time on their 3 day residential to Hooke Court. We experienced Greek stories and learnt how to spell our names in...

Y3 Willow Class Visit to the East Dorset Museum
Here's what the children had to say about their visit: Pupil Voice: “I loved handling all the artefacts!” “Making a wattle and daub wall...

Year 5 Go To The Movies - Local Industry Study
As part of our Local Industries Topic, Year 5 were fortunate to be given the opportunity to watch a private screening at Cineworld...

Year 5 Plastic Pollution Topic
To start our new topic of Plastic Pollution, the children took part in a litter pick around the school. They then had to place their...

Year 5 Maths England Week
Year 5 had a fantastic, creative maths lesson to celebrate Maths England Week outside the classroom. The children were looking at place...

Y4 Hooke Court Trip
Before half term, Year 4 embraced all weathers on a 3-day residential. From den building to night walks and cooking to fire starting...

Hawthorn class is 'All at Sea'
Hawthorn have recently been to WOEC and have been able to try sailing and paddle boarding! The children loved having the opportunity to...

Year 6 Dartmoor Trip
Year 6 had a fantastic week at CRS Dartmoor where they were able to experience a variety of challenging endeavours including a high ropes...