London's Burning Impact Day
The children enjoyed the Impact Day for our History topic London's Burning. We passed buckets of water down the line like they would have...

Conifers Choir Visit Buxton House
Mrs Tharme took our wonderful school choir to perform to residents at Buxton House. The children loved having the opportunity to perform...

Conifers Easter Hat Parade
The Easter Hat Parade was a roaring success! It was lovely to see so many creative ideas such as fairy lights around their bonnets, to...

Whole School Superhero Day!
Conifers Primary School, with the Friends, showed their support for Wilf and his family by being superheroes for the day on Wednesday 7...

Children in Need - Cedar Class
In Cedar class we enjoyed taking part in a special Children in Need Supermover with Pudsey Bear. We also learned about children less...

Conifers Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Conifers celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a giant tea party. We also played summer games and had a Queen Treasure Hunt.

Y2 Wonder Women Impact Day - Maple Class
International Women’s Day (8th March) This afternoon, after swimming, we had our ‘Impact Day’. We wrote about and shared people who are...