Y3 Willow Class Visit to the East Dorset Museum
Here's what the children had to say about their visit: Pupil Voice: “I loved handling all the artefacts!” “Making a wattle and daub wall...

Year 2 Meet Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Year 2 were inspired during a reading virtual event with the author Julia Donaldson and illustrator Axel Scheffler. They listened to...

London's Burning Topic - Home Learning
Year 2 have produced some fantastic home learning linked to their History topic 'London's Burning'. We are amazed by the effort that has...

Year 5 Go To The Movies - Local Industry Study
As part of our Local Industries Topic, Year 5 were fortunate to be given the opportunity to watch a private screening at Cineworld...

Year 5 in the Swim
Year 5 have been thoroughly enjoying learning how to swim over the summer term. The children have learnt how to front crawl, back stroke...

Y3 Visit The Tutankhamun Museum
On Friday 20th May 2022 Year 3 had a school trip to the Tutankhamun Museum in Dorchester as part of their History Topic 'Walking with the...

SATS Breakfast Club
Well the SATS are upon us but Year 6 are showing fantastic perseverance and determination, we are so proud! The children are also...

History Treasure Challenge Winners
Huge congratulations to Drew and Daniel in Year 3 for completing the History Treasure Challenge. It was amazing to see how hard the boys...

Y4 Roman Topic Visit to Dorchester Museum
To conclude our topic of Romans, Year 4 had an exciting day at Dorchester Museum! We learnt all about archaeology and had great fun...