Y6 Technology - Bridge Building
Year 6 have been learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They designed and made their own bridges in DT.
Y6 Dorset Coding Day October 2024
Year 6 participated in the annual Dorset Coding Day in association with Barclays Digital Eagles. This year, we had a visitor from Dorset...
Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire...
SATS Breakfast Club
Well the SATS are upon us but Year 6 are showing fantastic perseverance and determination, we are so proud! The children are also...
"Only One You" - Whole School Creative Art Project
These banners and painted stones were created as part of a whole school creative art project linked to the book 'Only One You' by Linda...
Year 6 Celebration of Learning
Year 6 have produced some beautiful work, which is currently on display. This includes our mathematical investigation into the artist...
Hawthorn class is 'All at Sea'
Hawthorn have recently been to WOEC and have been able to try sailing and paddle boarding! The children loved having the opportunity to...
Year 6 Dartmoor Trip
Year 6 had a fantastic week at CRS Dartmoor where they were able to experience a variety of challenging endeavours including a high ropes...