Y3 Willow LOTC - Using Litres and Millilitres
Learning outside the Classroom - measuring millilitres and litres. Making the most of this glorious weather, we took our maths learning...

Y3 Beech - Learning Outside the Classroom
I know how to measure and read in millilitres (Practical lesson) Today the children were following instructions to practise measuring in...

Y2 Maple Class Learning Outside The Classroom
Maple Class in Year 2 enjoyed some Learning Outside the Classroom for their Maths lesson recently. They worked in pairs to estimate...

Year 6 Celebration of Learning
Year 6 have produced some beautiful work, which is currently on display. This includes our mathematical investigation into the artist...

Year 5 Maths England Week
Year 5 had a fantastic, creative maths lesson to celebrate Maths England Week outside the classroom. The children were looking at place...