Y4 Hooke Court Residential Trip
At the end of October a group of Year 4 students embarked on their first residential trip! They spent 3 days and 2 nights in Beaminster...

Remember, Remember!
Maple Class in Year 2 enjoyed their IMPACT day for the topic 'Remember Remember'. We came up with our big questions then we went into the...

London's Burning Impact Day
The children enjoyed the Impact Day for our History topic London's Burning. We passed buckets of water down the line like they would have...

Y3 Mayan Topic Impact Day
Year 3 had their impact day on Tuesday 15th February for their Topic ‘The Mayans’. We designed, made and evaluated a Mayan mask. We were...

"Only One You" - Whole School Creative Art Project
These banners and painted stones were created as part of a whole school creative art project linked to the book 'Only One You' by Linda...

Year 5 Vikings and Anglo Sacxons
Year 5 had a fantastic last day of term by celebrating their Viking and Anglo-Saxon topic. The children took part in several, creative...

Thank you NHS
The children and staff enjoyed creating some pavement art to thank the NHS staff for their hard work during this time.