Year 1 Making Christmas Decorations
Year 1 children making Christmas decorations to sell at our Christmas Fayre.
Y1 'All About Me' Topic Impact Day
We went into the nature area and created our own 'nature faces'.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire...
Y1 Diversity Day
Y1 learned the British Sign Language alphabet.
Y1 LOTC: Space Invaders
The children had a great time learning about the great Space Race of the 1960s. We learnt that Russia and America were in competition...
'On The Farm - Year 1 Visit to Farmer Palmers
Year 1 had a wonderful time at Farmer Palmers to conclude our 'On the Farm' topic. We loved seeing all of the animals, particularly the...
Year 1 'On The Farm' Topic Impact Day
Year 1 really enjoyed their Impact Day for their new topic, On the Farm. We had a farmer and farm animal parade, made animal collages and...