Y2: Art Outside The Classroom
Year 2 had a fantastic time learning outside the classroom this afternoon. We learnt about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy who made...
Y4 Ash Class: Art Lessons
We have been thinking about the role of the plinth in art and used clay to represent ourselves on a plinth.
World Book Day Displays
During World Book Week each year group picked their favourite book to create a door or window display which was then visited by the other...
World Book Day 2004 - Reception Displays
Artwork inspired by the book Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
Y4 Enjoying Forest School
Year 4 have been enjoying their time outside in the Forest School. So far two groups have ventured out into the cold to learn new skills...
Y4 Hooke Court Residential Trip
At the end of October a group of Year 4 students embarked on their first residential trip! They spent 3 days and 2 nights in Beaminster...
Remember, Remember!
Maple Class in Year 2 enjoyed their IMPACT day for the topic 'Remember Remember'. We came up with our big questions then we went into the...
London's Burning Impact Day
The children enjoyed the Impact Day for our History topic London's Burning. We passed buckets of water down the line like they would have...
London's Burning Topic - Home Learning
Year 2 have produced some fantastic home learning linked to their History topic 'London's Burning'. We are amazed by the effort that has...